Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Back to school help?

can somebody help me with this: I want to go back to school this year (I will be in 10th grade) with a fresh style. I need tips on maeup brands/products to use, hair styles/cuts/products, clothing brands/stores/styles, accesories, shoes, and weight loss. Best answer goes to person who can give me the most tips. Websites would be appreciated. Thanks!

Back to school help?

It all depends on what kind of new style you want.

4 preps (which is what i recommend) hollister, abercrombie, aeropostale

4 non conformists (emo's and punks) hot topic

4 boho style jc penny and kohl's have that kind of stuff

claire's is the best for hair and jewelry things for any style, they have a lot of stuff.

as for makeup, that depnds on your taste. if you can afford it, go 2 sephora. but if u want cheap stuff just go to wal mart.

good luck on your new style!

Back to school help?

Go to Target %26amp; Jcpenny.

Back to school help?

one word www.fashionx well .com

Back to school help?

lots of teen mags have back to school acticals this month. they give you all kinds of advice on style and what is in and right for you. i cant think of one off the top of my head out right now. but look through them each week and find one that has a good one. what i always did to make a statment is to color my hair differnt and get a fresh cut. I always tryed to go back with a nice tan too. weight loss is a hard one and will take time just remember the most important thing i had to remember was to eat breakfast before school it boosts your metabolism and gives you a better complection. i know it is hard to eat in the morning especially since you ahve to get up so damn early, but it is really important. and of course execise!

Back to school help?

This website should help you out alot. So here it is:

It really helps me %26amp;%26amp; has all the fashion tips %26amp;%26amp; stuff!

Good luck!

Back to school help?

Oh wow. I have the same exact question you did !Well for clothes that are super cute and not expensive go to Ross. They have all kinds of brands and really cute styles for this fall. If you dont really care how much you spend then go to Macy's thisit clothing line. They have very very very cool stuff. Im also going to 10th grade and last year as a freshmen I wasnt in to the fashion but this year I want to make heads turn. My hair was dirty blonde but what i did was color it even blonder. So you should color your hair in the same color range. For the cut if you want your hair long just get some layers and a side swept bang. If want to have it short also have side swept bangs but a more choppy cut above you shoulders. Try these websites for clothes and shoes..... ( accesories). I hope this helps you and if you find any more sites email me. Thanks.

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